Welcome to The Nuns’ Nook

Have you ever wondered what contemplative nuns think about all day? Have you ever wondered what they read?

When your primary vocation is the contemplation of God, all manner of topics and objects of thought come to the fore; you’d be surprised at the vista that opens up for the contemplative’s consideration. While our mainstay is Scripture and the Liturgy - the first sources of our gaze at God - we are oftentimes drawn not only into the heights of speculative theology, but also into the very depths of the human condition. Accompanying our vocation to Adoration is the real call to intercession and a profound identification with every joy, misery, exultation, and abject failure of our fellow human beings.

We are here to look at God not only in His transcendent glory, but also in the fragile and violent world of His creation.

As a result, what we read varies widely, from the Biblical commentaries and Thomistic theology so vital to a Dominican vocation, to the intricate studies of human nature emergent in the greats of classic and contemporary literature - Catholic and otherwise. This expansive world of knowledge is instructive as we grow in virtue and learn to love each other truly, beautifully and well.

So, why keep it to ourselves?

Granted the precious privilege - by way of our vocation - of giving ourselves wholly over to this rich pursuit, we thought it would be a wonderful thing to be able to share what we could of it with you.

Thus, the Nuns’ Nook was born - a corner of the DNS Publications’ world that could be given over to reflections on the literary from the contemplative point of view. From book reviews to reflections on the relationship between literature and prayer - so rich in all vocations - we hope the Nuns’ Nook will be a precious intersection between your life and ours, a chance to share the fruits of our contemplation, and an opportunity to grow together in the only pursuit that matters: seeking the Face of God where it is to be found.

We hope you’ll subscribe and join us.

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book reviews, contemplative literary reflections and some promotional material.
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The Lost Art of Becoming Broad-Hearted